Apple Facts

Have some apple Qs? We have some apple As!

The Good Stuff

Antioxidant Army

Usually, we’re in the camp of “make peace, not war,” but when it comes to battling harmful illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, we want our army of antioxidants standing behind us. Since most of an apple’s antioxidants are in their peel, make sure to keep the skins on when you’re slicing and dicing.

Bad Cholesterol, Bye

Deemed the “miracle fruit” by researchers at Florida State University, it was discovered that older women who ate apples every day had 23% less bad cholesterol (LDL), and 4% more good cholesterol (HDL) after just six months. Apples also reduce inflammation levels. Both high cholesterol and inflammation are key factors in heart health, so eating apples is a win-win in the fight against cholesterol and heart disease.

Healthy #AF (Apple Fiber)

You want fiber? We’ve got fiber! A medium-sized apple contains 4 grams of fiber, which is 16% of the recommended intake for women and 11% of the recommended intake for men. Since apples are low in calories, they’re a great option to help you reach your fiber goal without loading up on cals. Eating fiber also slows digestion and makes you feel full. If you’re trying to trim up, eat an apple to stave off hunger and get your fix of fiber and nutrients.

“She’s A Brainiac, Brainiac”

Play chess. Learn something new. Get plenty of sleep. Keep your stress in check. These are all great steps to maintain a healthy brain and prevent debilitating diseases like dementia. Consuming apples, especially apple juice, is also a great way to reduce the risk of neurodegenerative disorders and protect those precious brain cells.

Stay Strong

Calcium and Vitamin D have been the recipients of strong-bone hype for years! A study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that calcium and vitamin D should make room for apples, too! The research suggests that older women who eat plenty of fruits, including our beloved apples, may have a lower chance of bone fractures. Strong apples = strong bones.

Slim and Trim

Apples are no fad diet. Several studies have shown that low-calorie, high-fiber foods promote fullness, reduced calorie intake, and weight loss. ENTER THE APPLE! Next time those chips are calling your name, reach for a snack that will make you happy to the core!

All the Nutrients

Fiber and Calcium and Potassium, oh my! Apples are nutrient-rich powerhouses packed with Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Fiber, Calcium, Potassium, and Phosphorus. These nutrients help bodies resist infectious illnesses, maintain red blood cells, prevent bad cholesterol from increasing, build strong bones, and keep the nervous system in good health. Boom!

Protect Yourself

These days, we’re doing everything we can to protect ourselves from illnesses like diabetes, Alzheimers, and cancer. Apples are a key contributor in helping avoid all of those diseases, and several studies have shown that eating at least one apple per day can significantly reduce the risk of ovarian, mouth, colon, throat, and breast cancer.

Breathe Easy

Not only do apples taste good—now we know they can even help you breathe. A UK study found that eating two to five apples a week gave people a 32% lower risk of asthma than people who ate less.

Frequently Asked Questions

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    How can I keep my apples fresh?

    It's easy to keep your apples tasting orchard-fresh for up to 8 weeks! Follow these simple steps:

    • Wash and fully dry your apples.
    • Refrigerate your clean apples! When properly refrigerated, apples can last between 6-8 weeks.
    • Store apples separately from other produce.
    • Toss apples in lemon juice to prevent browning. Pro tip: choose slow-to-brown varieties like Ambrosia, EverCrisp®, and SnapDragon® so you can cut ahead and save time!
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    Where can I find Yes! Apples?

    We’re proud to sell Yes! Apples at retailers across the country. Click here to find your favorite stores!

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    My local grocery store doesn’t carry Yes! Apples. How can I change this?

    That’s the worst news we’ve heard all day! Let’s change that for you.

    Simply make a request to stock Yes! Apples to a store manager or customer service clerk, and feel free to let us know that you want a certain store to carry our juicy apples at or @yesapples.

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    What are your sustainability practices?

    Yes! Apples and our grower partners have a major shared value–we work with Mother Nature, not against her. We do so by:

    • Reinvesting in efficient packing facilities and energy-saving equipment.
    • Improving labor efficiencies in orchards to reduce impact on the soil.
    • Minimizing the use of pesticides by replanting with dwarfing trees at closer planting density.
    • Increasing the use of harvesting and work platforms that are easier on the environment.
    • Swapping out plastic for corrugated packaging made from recycled content as often as possible.
    • Streamlining shipping logistics to reduce fuel consumption.
    • Investing in ways to reduce the amount of packaging and disposable materials used in every aspect of our product.
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    Are Yes! Apples organic?

    The short answer? No.

    We grow our apples in a unique region in New York that has an extremely wet climate. As a result, it is difficult to grow organic produce because pests love wet weather. Instead, we give a “light touch” when it comes to pesticides and fungicides to protect our apples. 

    We work with crop consultants and use research from Cornell University to help us integrate pest management effectively into our growing practices so we can use the least amount of pesticides as possible, while still making sure we follow all state and federal regulations.

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    Are your apples GMO?

    Nope! No GMO apples are grown in NY state. All of our cross-breeding (for example, SnapDragon®) is done through natural processes, conventional cross-breeding (crossing together plants with relevant characteristics and selecting the offspring with the desired combination of characteristics), or by working with professional agricultural breeders.   

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    What's the deal with Apeel?

    We have received many questions regarding Apeel™ and would like to provide more information regarding this product.

    Yes! Apples does not use Apeel Sciences' Edipeel coating on our products. Our apples are coated with either food-grade shellac or vegetable wax, depending on which orchard they were picked and packed at. This is a safe practice that follows USDA regulations and is industry standard. Apples are coated with wax to maintain freshness while in transit and on grocery store shelves, which are usually not refrigerated.

    To further educate consumers, we'd like to provide additional information about Apeel Sciences' Edipeel coating. First and foremost, the best source of information regarding this coating is Edipeel is a plant-based coating (think: an additional peel) that is made from mono- and diglycerides that have been derived from plant oils to mimic the natural protection already existing on fruits and vegetables. The plant oils (mono- and diglycerides) found in Edipeel undergo a purification process that eliminates allergens and impurities through heat and distillation.

    Apeel Sciences and Edipeel are not the same as the UK-based cleaning product company that is also named Apeel. As stated on the Apeel Sciences website, "Our ingredients are non-toxic, completely safe and made of food grade ingredients designed to be edible. Credible news sources have fact checked this and we urge you to read these if you’ve got more questions on this unfortunate conflation." For more research, please refer to AP News, Reuters, and USA Today.

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    How do you protect the bees?

    Bees are our BFFs. They are vital to everything we do when it comes to growing the perfect apple. We do everything we can to keep bees safe and healthy, including:

    • No spraying during pollination and bloom.
    • Growers and consultants pay attention to bee health. 
    • Some growers set aside special bee habitats on the farm. 
    • Limit or not use pesticides that are toxic to bees.
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    Can I pick my own apples?

    We pride ourselves on picking and packing the best-tasting apples you’ve ever had. That means you’ll need to leave the heavy lifting (picking) to us. If you would like to pick your own apples during the Fall harvest, take a look at these fine farms.

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    Why is the flesh of my apple red?

    Many apple varieties, often our McIntosh, have a tendency to "bleed" or show a pinkish-red hue on the flesh. This is completely natural and occurs when red pigment from the apple's skin transfers to the flesh. We think these apples are extra special 😊

What's in an Apple?

Apples pack a nutritious punch!

They contain various vitamins and minerals including Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and potassium, they’re rich in antioxidants, and they’re a good source of dietary fiber, with about 4.5g per serving.

Apples also contain a good amount of polyphenols, which possess antioxidant properties. These compounds can help fight off free radicals in the body and potentially have anti-inflammatory effects.

Despite the misconceptions surrounding their sugar content, apples contain natural sugars along with dietary fiber. Upon consumption, they elicit a gradual and consistent increase in blood sugar levels, as opposed to a sudden spike, primarily attributed to their dietary fiber content. The sugars they contain are natural and provide valuable nutrients that contribute to our overall health and well-being!

Still have questions?

Contact us and we'll be in touch ASAP!